Who raises whom?
We the trees or the trees us?
We do not nurture the trees… The trees nurture us… They did not find us, we found them. That is why we have to hand them over to those who will come. But who can really imagine what their eyes have seen? Oh, what have the ears of these centuries-old giants (“Dopies” olive trees) heard! These monuments of nature that have been in Ktima Rizes for over one thousand five hundred years…
Just imagine!
Once upon a time,
in the folkloric roots of our oral tradition, trees and birds, elves and fairies talked to man and he to them. For us, they still communicate with each other….
The strong bond with the earth is lost in the depths of time for the Mouzakis family. The land and cultural tradition of this island are inherited from generation to generationcontinuing their journey forever in place and time, harmoniously combining old with new…
As professional farmers, the main occupation of the family is that of the production of organic olive oil, but also of the limited production and bottling of organic wine (white and rosé). At the same time, a very popular occupation of the family on the side is the folklore theater, Zakynthian Folk Speech (Nominated in the UNESCO World Heritage List as unique of its kind), as well as the preservation of the folklore tradition which demonstrates their deep love for the long-standing civilization!




Mouzakis estate “Ktima Rizes” is a small family farm located in the southwestern part of Zakynthos in the village of Lithakia, 350 meters from the sea, in the valley of Kalodimos, within the boundaries of the National Marine Park of Zakynthos that hosts the protected species caretta-caretta turtle and monachus-monachus seal.
The farm covers an area of 12500 square meters. The area is designated as a Natura 2000 site.
The estate is bordered on its east and south sides by the passage of two small rivers with water flowing from the rainy season until the spring season. On the banks of these rivers grow reeds, wild blackberries, chaste trees, ivy as well as cypresses, pines, eucalyptus and wild olive trees that end up in a serpentine route in one of the many lacy shores of the island.
Ktima Rizes is certified by DIO (Organization for Certification & Control of Organic Products) since 2007 both for its two main varieties of olive crops (Dopia and Koroneiki), as well as for its vineyard with its own blended exceptional varieties. Checks are performed twice a year by an inspector-agronomist of the organization.
When you plant a tree, you leave your mark on the earth!
Ktima Rizes is adorned and flavored by various species of citrus fruit trees such as oranges, lemons, tangerines, peaches, apricots, pears, pomegranates, figs, walnuts and others. It also has two orchards with fruit and vegetables of autumn and spring cultivation. Apart from tomatoes, the “queens” of the garden, they also include potatoes, lettuce, onions, garlic, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, beans, celery, parsley, rocket salad etc. In the gardens all kinds of aromatic herbs of the blessed Greek land are planted that are used as raw materials in cooking but also in herbal teas. The unique ecosystem of the farm, which in itself functions as a natural biostimulator and host to the call of beneficial insects that are necessary for the natural metabolism of the soil, but also for the pollination of plants and trees, takes care of itself ensuring its bests operation with time in combination with the microclimate of the area.
Our goal is to have more and more honeybees every Spring to make us fall in love with their winged song!
Ktima Rizes strictly does not use fertilizers, nor any other product derived from chemical treatment, except products with approved and certified biological license.
80% of the farm’s soil is fertilized by domestic animals that live freely in it, effortlessly caring for this natural process (chickens, turkeys, geese, peacocks, rabbits, sheep, goats, etc.). Our philosophy, which we shout out loud in order for our voice to be heardat the ends of the earth while there is still time, is clear: The invaluable wealth of polyculture and not monoculture is the one that offers the full harmony of a healthy environment in a place and provides the ideal conditions for the person who exists and lives in that place, so that he may still be called humanin every sense of the word!
By preferring products from small family businesses, without intermediaries, you come in contact directly with the truth!!! You help the local economy survive. For it to be able to continue to maintain its local color, aroma and character; to be able to continue to fight the growing and relentless aggression of commercial multinationals in the name of an anonymous, colorless, odorless globalization centered solely on profit at any risk and not on human beings!
Everything Local is also… Global!
Kostantis Mouzakis